1 module testdll;
3 // the names are prefixed with `test_dll` so as to not clash in python
5 string testdll_foo() {
6 return "20 Monkey";
7 }
9 // this won't get wrapped
10 string testdll_foo(int i) {
11 import std.conv: text;
12 return text(i);
13 }
15 string testdll_bar(int i) {
16 if (i > 10) {
17 return "It's greater than 10!";
18 } else {
19 return "It's less than 10!";
20 }
21 }
24 auto testdll_baz(int i = 10, string s = "moo") {
25 import std.typecons: tuple;
26 return tuple(i, s);
27 }
30 class TestDllFoo {
31 int m_i;
32 this() { }
33 this(int i) {
34 m_i = i;
35 }
36 this(int i, int j) {
37 m_i = i + j;
38 }
39 string foo() {
40 import std.format: format;
41 return format("Foo.foo(): i = %s", m_i);
42 }
43 int length() { return 10; }
44 int opSlice(long i1, long i2) {
45 return 12;
46 }
47 int opIndex(int x, int y) {
48 return x + y;
49 }
50 TestDllFoo opBinary(string op)(TestDllFoo f) if(op == "+")
51 {
52 return new TestDllFoo(m_i + f.m_i);
53 }
55 struct Range {
56 int i = 0;
58 @property bool empty() {
59 return i >= 10;
60 }
61 @property int front() {
62 return i+1;
63 }
64 void popFront() {
65 i++;
66 }
67 }
69 Range opSlice() {
70 return Range();
71 }
72 @property int i() { return m_i; }
73 @property void i(int j) { m_i = j; }
74 void a() {}
75 void b() {}
76 void c() {}
77 void d() {}
78 void e() {}
79 void f() {}
80 void g() {}
81 void h() {}
82 void j() {}
83 void k() {}
84 void l() {}
85 void m() {}
86 void n() {}
87 void o() {}
88 void p() {}
89 void q() {}
90 void r() {}
91 void s() {}
92 void t() {}
93 void u() {}
94 void v() {}
95 void w() {}
96 void x() {}
97 void y() {}
98 void z() {}
100 override string toString() {
101 import std.conv: text;
102 return text("TestDllFoo(", m_i, ")");
103 }
104 }
106 string delegate() dg_ret() {
107 return { return "returning a delegate works"; };
108 }
110 string dg_arg(string delegate(string arg) dg) {
111 assert(dg !is null, "dg_arg: delegate cannot be null");
112 return dg("foo");
113 }
115 class TestDllBar {
116 int[] m_a;
117 this() { }
118 this(int[] i ...) { m_a = i; }
119 }
121 struct TestDllStruct {
122 int i;
123 char[] s;
124 }
126 TestDllFoo testdll_spam(TestDllFoo f) {
127 f.foo();
128 auto g = new TestDllFoo(f.i + 10);
129 return g;
130 }
132 void testdll_throws() {
133 throw new Exception("Yay! An exception!");
134 }