  Mirror _pystrtod.h
module deimos.python.pystrtod;

import deimos.python.object;

// Python-header-file: Include/pystrtod.h:

version(Python_3_2_Or_Later) {
    /// Availability: <= 3.2
    double PyOS_ascii_strtod(const(char)* str, char** ptr);
    /// Availability: <= 3.2
    double PyOS_ascii_atof(const(char)* str);
    /// Availability: <= 3.2
    char* PyOS_ascii_formatd(
            char* buffer,
            size_t buf_len,
            const(char)* format,
            double d);

version(Python_2_7_Or_Later) {
    /// Availability: >= 2.7
    double PyOS_string_to_double(
            const(char)* str,
            char** endptr,
            PyObject* overflow_exception);

    /** The caller is responsible for calling PyMem_Free to free the buffer
       that's is returned. */
    /// Availability: >= 2.7
    char* PyOS_double_to_string(
            double val,
            char format_code,
            int precision,
            int flags,
            int* type);

    /// Availability: >= 2.7
    double _Py_parse_inf_or_nan(const(char)* p, char** endptr);