
Rich compare two strings and return one of the following:

- NULL in case an exception was raised - Py_True or Py_False for successfuly comparisons - Py_NotImplemented in case the type combination is unknown

Note that Py_EQ and Py_NE comparisons can cause a UnicodeWarning in case the conversion of the arguments to Unicode fails with a UnicodeDecodeError.

Possible values for op:

Py_GT, Py_GE, Py_EQ, Py_NE, Py_LT, Py_LE

Availability: >= 2.5

  1. PyObject* PyUnicode_RichCompare(PyObject* left, PyObject* right, int op)
    version(Python_3_3_Or_Later && Python_2_5_Or_Later)
    extern (C)
  2. alias PyUnicode_RichCompare = PyUnicodeUCS2_RichCompare
  3. alias PyUnicode_RichCompare = PyUnicodeUCS4_RichCompare
